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Attentive Therapist



Often felt as a bulge, or heaviness in the vagina, a Pelvic organ prolapse  is the descent of the uterus, bladder or bowel into the vaginal space. Pelvic organ prolapse is common and  often occurs alongside other symptoms. It can affect bladder and / or bowel function and is often worse after periods of prolonged standing or lifting.

If you have been diagnosed with a prolapse, or suspect you may have one our Physiotherapists can discuss your treatment options and help improve your symptoms.  Our Physiotherapists will  provide you with an individualised pelvic floor muscle exercise program and provide lifestyle advice that can help to reduce your symptoms.

We can provide tailored advice for you and your situation regarding exercise and can adapt exercises to reduce their impact on your prolapse. 

Our Physiotherapists can also discuss other treatment options for prolapse including pessaries and surgery and help you make the best treatment choice for you and your lifestyle.

We understand that every woman will experience prolapse differently and so your treatment and advice will always be tailored to you.  We work closely with local gynaecologists and GP’s to ensure you have the best possible outcome with your chosen treatment path. 


Bladder problems may present as leaking when you cough or exercise, or as a sudden uncontrollable urge for the toilet with or without leakage on the way to the toilet.

One in 3 women will experience bladder leakage.  It is common following childbirth or ‘as we get older’. Bladder leakage can be distressing and cause women to start restricting or modifying their activities.   Many forms of bladder leakage can be treated or reduced with physiotherapy.

Pelvic floor muscle training has very strong research evidence as an effective treatment for stress incontinence (leakage with a cough, sneeze, or exercise) and our physiotherapists  can assess your pelvic floor and provide an individualised program to help you strengthen your pelvic floor and return to activities without leakage. 

Urgency for the toilet and needing to rush for the toilet with or without leakage is often referred to as an overactive bladder.    Overactive bladder is a common issue affecting women, and the urgency is not always associated with a full bladder. Our Physiotherapists can help to reduce bladder urgency by assessing and treating triggers and providing you with tools to manage your bladder and help you retrain it.   Our Physiotherapists can also liase with your GP regarding medications and other treatments that can improve bladder urgency.


Bowel problems can include leakage from the bowel, uncontrollable passing of wind or constipation and difficulties emptying the bowel.

Good bowel health includes emptying the bowel regularly and feeling completely empty once you are finished. Being able to hold on for a short time if required and not experiencing any leakage. You should not need to strain, or experience any pain while passing a bowel motion.

Our physiotherapists can work with you to determine why you are having issues with your bowel and provide advice on how to manage it. This may be in the form of diet and fluid intake advice, changing your toileting habit, pelvic floor muscle training and lifestyle advice.  They can also liaise with your GP regarding medications or for a specialist referral if it is required.


Pelvic pain can be debilitating and can present in many ways.Pelvic pain may be experienced as pain in the abdomen and pelvic region, and it may relate to a medical condition such a polycystic ovary syndrome or endometriosis.

It may also be felt as pain on the vulva, the opening of the vagina, or deep inside the vagina. This pain may spontaneously occur, or might be experienced during sexual intercourse, a pap smear or while using tampons.  Sometimes  pain will present itself after pelvic or abdominal surgery, childbirth, or a traumatic experience, but it may also occur spontaneously or with the onset of menstruation.

Our physiotherapists understand that anything pelvic health related can be tricky to discuss with your health professionals, but we want you to know this is not something you have to work through on your own. We have extra training to assess and manage pelvic pain conditions and are well placed to work with you.


Pregnancy related aches and pains are common and our physiotherapists can help you manage these symptoms and keep you comfortably moving during each stage of pregnancy. We can provide advice on managing common complaints such as pelvic girdle pain, back pain,  abdominal muscle separation and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Bladder complaints such as leakage and urgency are also common during pregnancy, as are bowel complications such as constipation. Our Physiotherapists can help you understand why these symptoms are occurring and provide you with tailored advice and treatment to help manage these symptoms.

We recommend a 6-week check-up for post-natal women with a continence Physiotherapist. This check-up usually involves a detailed discussion about your pregnancy, birth and post-partum recovery.  We recommend a vaginal examination to check your pelvic floor muscle function and how your vaginal tissues are recovering. This is always optional, but can be helpful to provide you with individualised advice and to check for prolapse.  After an assessment we can provide specific advice regarding your recovery and how to safely return to exercise.

When should you see a physio before 6 weeks? If you experience:  A 3rd or 4th degree tear (a tear into the muscles around the anus), a 2nd degree tear or episiotomy, Vaginal discomfort, Persistent pelvic or back pain, Reduced control of your bladder or bowel, an abdominal muscle separation or if you feel you need extra support and advice for recovery.

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