Surgery for Prostate Cancer can have a big impact on your bladder function.
The prostate gland is very closely related to urethral sphincters that help to maintain bladder control. If the prostate is completely or partially removed, the urethral sphincter can be injured, impacting on its ability to maintain bladder control.
The pelvic floor muscles also help to maintain bladder control, which is why it is important to learn this exercise and begin training these muscles, before surgery. The aim of training your pelvic floor muscle is to bulk the muscle up so it can support the bladder and has an improved ability to close the urethra (wee canal). Starting this training early can lead to quicker recovery of bladder control after surgery.
Strengthening pelvic floor muscles can also improve erectile function and is a part of penile rehabilitation after prostate surgery.
Our physiotherapists can assess your pelvic floor function and give you a personalised program to improve your pelvic floor strength and help you improve bladder control. They can also give advice on lifestyle modification and how to return to work and exercise while you are still recovering from surgery.
Pelvic pain is a debilitating condition that is often not discussed. Common presentations include a burning pain in the penis or scrotum, or a pressure or throbbing anywhere in the pelvis. You may have pain when emptying your bowel, passing urine or during sexual intercourse. Pelvic pain can be likened to a headache in your pelvis.
Our physiotherapists, alongside your medical team can support you and provide you with treatment and strategies to improve your pain.
1 in 10 men in Australia have a bladder control problem.
Pelvic Health physiotherapists can help to determine the reason you may be experiencing bladder leakage and can work with you and your medical team to improve your bladder function and your confidence.
Bowel problems can include bowel leakage, uncontrollable passing of wind or constipation and difficulties emptying the bowel.
Good bowel health includes emptying the bowel regularly and feeling completely empty once you are finished. Being able to hold on for a short time if required and not experiencing any leakage. You should not need to strain or experience any pain while passing a bowel motion.
Our physiotherapists can work with you to determine why you are having issues with your bowel and provide advice on how to manage it. This may be in the form of advice regarding your diet and fluid intake, or your toileting habits.
They can also liaise with your GP regarding medications or for a specialist referral if it is required.